Emotion-Focused Therapy Training Level 2 Description:
The Transforming Power of Affect
Day 1: EFT Case Formulation: The Five Dimensional Model
What is EFT Case Formulation? (Principles, Models, Straight Talk)
1. Main presenting issues/therapeutic focus
2. Key task markers
3. Key problematic emotions (emotion response types & schemes)
4. Emotion processing modes (dysregulated, restricted, working)
5. Self-other themes (self=>self; others=>self; self=>others)
Video example
Skill practice in small groups; feedback provided by trainers
Day 2: In-session Collaborative Case Formulation Work
Case formulation as a meta-task
How to do empathic case formulation responses
Encouraging collaboration and client self-formulation
Video example
Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Suggestions for developing case formulation skills
Day 3: EFT & Focusing
What is Focusing?
EFT adaptations of Focusing
Focusing markers
Clearing a space
Focusing steps; Focusing as emotion scheme elaboration
Video example
Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Day 4: Unfolding and Reprocessing Work in EFT
Reprocessing and narrative work
Re-processing work markers
Systematic Evocative Unfolding: Applications & task resolution steps
Narrative Re-Telling: Applications & task resolution steps
Video example
Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Day 5: Two Chair Work & Depression
EFT understandings of depression
Varieties of conflict split marker
EFT therapist response modes for chair work
Conflict split resolution model & steps
Video example
Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Practical suggestions: Introducing chair work; chair work on Zoom; talking to clients
about chair work; case formulation & chairwork
Alternative ways of working with conflict splits
Strategies for working with the collapsed experiencer in depression
Day 6: Self-interruption Splits & Enactments
Getting started with in-session enactments: Exercise
How to do enactments in EFT
Micro-markers for EFT enactments; Self-interruption conflict split marker
Video example
Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Self-interruption & empty chair work; when to ignore self-interruptions
Day 7: Empty Chair Work for Unresolved Interpersonal Relationship Issues
Varieties of Unfinished business marker
Change processes in Empty chair work
Resolution steps in empty chair work
Video example
Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Alternative ways of working with unfinished business
Day 8: Compassionate Self-Soothing Chair Work (CSSCW)
Empathic Affirmation: Work with vulnerability
Overview of CSSCW
Variations and common forms of CSSCW
Task Resolution process
Video example
Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Where from here? Suggestions for further development of your EFT skills and practice
Processing the training
About the Presenter
Robert Elliott, Ph.D., received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and taught clinical psychology at the University of Toledo (Ohio) for nearly 30 years; during that time, in collaboration with Leslie Greenberg and Laura Rice, he developed Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT). He is Professor Emeritus of Counselling in the School of Psychological Sciences and Health at the University of Strathclyde and where he directed its research clinic and taught counselling research and EFT. He currently lives in Northern California, where he is busy with various EFT-related writing projects as well as conducting EFT trainings internationally and supervising and guiding EFT supervisors. His central interest is the change process in humanistic-experiential psychotherapies. He is co-author of Facilitating emotional change (1993), Learning process-experiential psychotherapy (2004), Research methods in clinical psychology (3rd ed., 2015), and Developing and Enhancing Research Capacity in Counselling and Psychotherapy (2010), Emotion Focused Counseling in Action (2021), as well as more than 150 journal articles and book chapters. He is past president of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, and previously co-edited the journals Psychotherapy Research, and Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. He is a fellow in the divisions of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association. In 2009 he received the Distinguished Research Career Award of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, and the Carl Rogers Award from the Division of Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association. He enjoys running, science fiction and all kinds of music.