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Emotion-Focused Therapy Training Level 2 Description:

The Transforming Power of Affect

Day 1: EFT Case Formulation: The Five Dimensional Model

 What is EFT Case Formulation? (Principles, Models, Straight Talk)
 1. Main presenting issues/therapeutic focus
 2. Key task markers
 3. Key problematic emotions (emotion response types & schemes)
 4. Emotion processing modes (dysregulated, restricted, working)
 5. Self-other themes (self=>self; others=>self; self=>others)
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups; feedback provided by trainers


Day 2: In-session Collaborative Case Formulation Work
 Case formulation as a meta-task
 How to do empathic case formulation responses
 Encouraging collaboration and client self-formulation
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups with feedback
 Suggestions for developing case formulation skills


Day 3: EFT & Focusing
 What is Focusing?
 EFT adaptations of Focusing
 Focusing markers
 Clearing a space
 Focusing steps; Focusing as emotion scheme elaboration
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups with feedback


Day 4: Unfolding and Reprocessing Work in EFT
 Reprocessing and narrative work
 Re-processing work markers
 Systematic Evocative Unfolding: Applications & task resolution steps
 Narrative Re-Telling: Applications & task resolution steps
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups with feedback


Day 5: Two Chair Work & Depression
 EFT understandings of depression
 Varieties of conflict split marker
 EFT therapist response modes for chair work

 Conflict split resolution model & steps
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups with feedback
 Practical suggestions: Introducing chair work; chair work on Zoom; talking to clients
about chair work; case formulation & chairwork
 Alternative ways of working with conflict splits
 Strategies for working with the collapsed experiencer in depression


Day 6: Self-interruption Splits & Enactments
 Getting started with in-session enactments: Exercise
 How to do enactments in EFT
 Micro-markers for EFT enactments; Self-interruption conflict split marker
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups with feedback
 Self-interruption & empty chair work; when to ignore self-interruptions


Day 7: Empty Chair Work for Unresolved Interpersonal Relationship Issues
 Varieties of Unfinished business marker
 Change processes in Empty chair work
 Resolution steps in empty chair work
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups with feedback
 Alternative ways of working with unfinished business


Day 8: Compassionate Self-Soothing Chair Work (CSSCW)
 Empathic Affirmation: Work with vulnerability
 Overview of CSSCW
 Variations and common forms of CSSCW
 Task Resolution process
 Video example
 Skill practice in small groups with feedback
 Where from here? Suggestions for further development of your EFT skills and
 Processing the training

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