Emotion-Focused Therapy Training Level 2 Description:
The Transforming Power of Affect
Day 1: EFT Case Formulation: The Five Dimensional Model
ï‚· What is EFT Case Formulation? (Principles, Models, Straight Talk)
ï‚· 1. Main presenting issues/therapeutic focus
ï‚· 2. Key task markers
ï‚· 3. Key problematic emotions (emotion response types & schemes)
ï‚· 4. Emotion processing modes (dysregulated, restricted, working)
ï‚· 5. Self-other themes (self=>self; others=>self; self=>others)
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups; feedback provided by trainers
Day 2: In-session Collaborative Case Formulation Work
ï‚· Case formulation as a meta-task
ï‚· How to do empathic case formulation responses
ï‚· Encouraging collaboration and client self-formulation
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups with feedback
ï‚· Suggestions for developing case formulation skills
Day 3: EFT & Focusing
ï‚· What is Focusing?
ï‚· EFT adaptations of Focusing
ï‚· Focusing markers
ï‚· Clearing a space
ï‚· Focusing steps; Focusing as emotion scheme elaboration
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Day 4: Unfolding and Reprocessing Work in EFT
ï‚· Reprocessing and narrative work
ï‚· Re-processing work markers
ï‚· Systematic Evocative Unfolding: Applications & task resolution steps
ï‚· Narrative Re-Telling: Applications & task resolution steps
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups with feedback
Day 5: Two Chair Work & Depression
ï‚· EFT understandings of depression
ï‚· Varieties of conflict split marker
ï‚· EFT therapist response modes for chair work
ï‚· Conflict split resolution model & steps
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups with feedback
ï‚· Practical suggestions: Introducing chair work; chair work on Zoom; talking to clients
about chair work; case formulation & chairwork
ï‚· Alternative ways of working with conflict splits
ï‚· Strategies for working with the collapsed experiencer in depression
Day 6: Self-interruption Splits & Enactments
ï‚· Getting started with in-session enactments: Exercise
ï‚· How to do enactments in EFT
ï‚· Micro-markers for EFT enactments; Self-interruption conflict split marker
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups with feedback
ï‚· Self-interruption & empty chair work; when to ignore self-interruptions
Day 7: Empty Chair Work for Unresolved Interpersonal Relationship Issues
ï‚· Varieties of Unfinished business marker
ï‚· Change processes in Empty chair work
ï‚· Resolution steps in empty chair work
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups with feedback
ï‚· Alternative ways of working with unfinished business
Day 8: Compassionate Self-Soothing Chair Work (CSSCW)
ï‚· Empathic Affirmation: Work with vulnerability
ï‚· Overview of CSSCW
ï‚· Variations and common forms of CSSCW
ï‚· Task Resolution process
ï‚· Video example
ï‚· Skill practice in small groups with feedback
ï‚· Where from here? Suggestions for further development of your EFT skills and
ï‚· Processing the training