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Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings in 2024

EFT Parenting Skills Training, TBA
EFT Level 3, Supervision with Dr. Greenberg, TBA

If you are interested in the Advanced EFT training level 2B, Parenting skills training and EFT level 3 with Dr. Greenberg, please go to the contact button and let us know which one and we will email you the details as soon as the dates are set. 

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings, (2023)

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings, (2022)

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings, (2021)

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings (2020)

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings (2019)

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings (2018)

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings (2017)

Changing Emotion with Emotion 

Chair work in EFT

How Dr. Elliot Came to Emotion Focused Therapy?

An Interview with

Dr. Leslie Greenberg

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